We want to sincerely apologize for the recent situation with Telegram, which caused us to lose contact with so many of you. We're incredibly grateful for everyone who has reconnected with us despite the hassle. As a thank-you for sticking with us, we're offering a special discount for the month of November: Non-Prime Members 🌟 15% off on all orders, no minimum required. Just use the coupon code below when ordering! Plus, if your order is over $100 (after the discount), enjoy a free mystery gift as a bonus. Coupon Code: ThroughThickNThin15% Prime Members: 🎉 25% off on all orders, automatically applied—no code needed. Prime members will also receive double the mystery gifts of non-Prime members. Thank you for your patience and loyalty as we work through this. We're here for you, and we're excited to reconnect! Dismiss